Survey Says…
Immanuel’s Pandemic Response Survey - Summary Comments:
- 467 people participated in our survey the last half of July.
(Pastor SS: This level of participation is amazing! It is the largest response to any survey during my 10 years serving at Immanuel). - The survey provides helpful feedback, opinions and data as we take the pandemic“pulse of our congregation” to help us evaluate past and present activities and make future plans.
- Overall, responses were extremely informative, constructive and positive.
Here are highlights summarizing some survey questions and responses:
Where are you now in terms of coming back to in-person worship?
45.5% - I have come back to worship
17.4% - I am almost ready to come back to worship
12.9% - It will be a while before I am ready to return
24.2% - I continue to attend via video streaming at this time
NOTE: Many also continue to attend Drive-In service(s)
Which of the following describes the attendance level at which you would be comfortable attending worship?
50.7% - Half-full
23.7% - One quarter full
14.3% - Three quarters full
11.3% - Filled
Would you like to see our Drive-In parking lot service continue into the fall?
80% YES
Do you believe our church is being careful returning to in-person services?
92% YES
Have you felt we have communicated well via e-blasts, our website, Facebook, etc. with you during the pandemic?
95.2% YES
Are you interested in a household small group Bible study/fellowship that is flexible to your needs and schedule?
7 % Yes, I am interested
13.5 % Maybe, tell me more
79.5 % Not at this time
How do you best receive communication from Immanuel?
Eblasts (411)
Connections (197)
Text messages (122)
Social Media (120)
Website (107)
Letters in mail (13)
What are you overall reactions to the job Immanuel has done and is doing during the pandemic to keep us connected to the Church and to share God’s Word and the good news of Jesus in new ways? (Below are representative sample comments from 216 responses)
I am impressed. You are above and beyond expectations in this difficult time. I appreciate the positive and encouraging messages.
I think our Church has done a wonderful job and been innovative during an uncertain time.
Very positive
I want to see more cars in the Immanuel parking lot than I see at the fitness center on the way to church. Keep up the great work!!
I think the virtual services and drive-in services were great.
I think we rushed back without wearing face masks.
Very good!
Doing a great job! Keep it up!
I feel Immanuel has done an outstanding job with a variety of ways to worship.
We appreciate the drive in service and would like it to continue!
Thanks for going above and beyond for our church family.
Thank you to all 467 who participated in our Immanuel pandemic response survey!
Thank you to ALL our Church and School servants who have and continue to go above and beyond, boldly sharing Christ’s love and Good News during these crazy, uncertain times as we navigate this pandemic. We continue to trust in our Savior as we move forward in faith.
Immanuel = God IS with us! Jesus loves us. This is ALL we need to know!
In Christ’s Service,
Pastor Scott Schmieding
Senior Pastor
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School (LCMS)
Saint Charles, Missouri
You have done an outstanding job and I think we should remain cautious as we have no clue what fall and winter will be.❤
Good survey